Sunday, April 19, 2015 typical hair and hair follicles of those of African descent are tightly curled, thus producing hair that spirals. Black hair also typically has a larger diameter than Caucasian hair and retains less water, thus its relative "kinkiness." The many styling methods utilized on Black hair cause concern with hair loss. Black hair is very strong, fortunately so because Black hair styles cause a great deal of Stress on the hair and scalp.

For example, using a hair pick to pick the hair up to a bushy style is a very damaging process due to the constant pulling causing stress on the hair shaft as well as the follicle. In fact, combing Black hair in general can create high stress on Black hair and cause breakage, which perpetuates dryness. Conrowing and braiding are methods of hairstyling that pull the hair tight, and this can cause a great deal of stress on the hair and scalp resulting in hair loss. Braiding that results in the hair being pulled very tight can cause traumatic alopecia, a hair loss that is caused by trauma to the hair and scalp. Traumatic alopecia is usually reversible with proper hair care.

Hot combs and relaxers used to straighten hair can cause a great deal of heat and chemical damage to hair and scalp, which can also cause traumatic alopecia, and over time can cause permanent hair loss. This becomes especially true when the heat or chemically processed hair is pulled tight by rollers or a hot curling iron.

Hot oil conditioners are excellent for Black hair, as hot oil treatments contain proteins and polymers vital to repairing the hair cuticles. Hot oil treatments involve heating the oil and putting it into the hair and scalp, then covering the hair with a plastic cap to allow the oil to soak in. Follow the recommendations on the treatment you are using for the amount of time you should leave the treatment on the hair. This process can heal breakages and shinier stronger hair will be the result.

Consider that hair relaxers commonly used on Black hair contain lye or similar chemicals that break down the hair shaft. Left on beyond the recommended time, these chemicals would eat right through the hair and cause it to fall out in clumps. This is why these same products are used in products like Drano® to clean clogged drains which often are clogged by hair. No-lye relaxers are very popular today, mainly because it leads people to believe that the product is not caustic. This is far from the truth. The combination of calcium hydroxide and guanidine carbonate are combined to form guanidine hydroxide, which could just as easily clean a sink. Repeated use of such products can cause some degree of hair loss, and if scarring occurs while using these chemicals, the hair loss can be permanent in that area of the scalp. One must ask themselves is it wise to place such caustic chemicals in the hair on a regular basis for the sake of desired appearance? The question must be answered by each individual, however the facts should be known.

There is little that can be done to alleviate this syndrome without changing the typical hairstyles of African Americans. There is a catch-22 concerning relaxing Black hair, since combing natural Black hair causes so much stress and breakage of hair, while chemicals cause so much harm to the hair and scalp as well. There are a few hair-relaxing products on the market that use chemicals and are somewhat less harsh than sodium hydroxide (lye) or its popular equivalent in "no-lye" relaxers: calcium hydroxide (quicklime) mixed with guanidine carbonate. One such product is called Natural-Laxer® and Sahara Clay® by Baka ProductsTM that has been on the market since 1990. This product is all natural and because it does not contain many of the harsh chemicals of commercial relaxers and actually contains only a finely ground plant called Daphne Gnidium and clay from Africa it is figured to be relatively safe. Of course this product does not straighten hair in most instances the same way as commercial relaxers, however it does tend to make Black hair more manageable. There is yet another product on the market that is reported to be 92-96% natural which is called Naturalaxer Kit In A Jar(TM) that does not require the applicant to comb through the hair during the application, which results in a lot less damage.

Of course the bottom line is once again, if you can leave your hair in its natural state then you will experience less stress and damage to the hair and thus prevent at least one cause of hair loss. There is a growing segment of the Black population that is becoming comfortable with wearing their hair in natural styles. One such style is dreadlocks. There are many rumors and myths concerning dreadlocks, as there is little proper information available concerning this style, and as with anything that is misunderstood many myths arise around it. Dreadlocks can and must be washed; otherwise they will smell badly like any other dirty hair. The best process to use to wash dreadlocks is to use a residue-free shampoo. Most commercially made shampoos leave residue and can cause hair not to lock, lending fuel to the rumor that hair had to be dirty to form dreadlocks. Clean hair actually locks much better than dirty hair, as dirt is a residue in itself that will inhibit hair from locking. For best results one should use a fragrance free, conditioner free shampoo.

Dreadlocks do not react well to oily and greasy substances, yet there are many good substances that are on the market today that will assist you in forming dreadlocks.

Dreadlocks are formed through a process, not simply by not combing or brushing the hair. Generally, one should start with hair about two inches in length, and the hair should be separated into even squares of hair and twisted gently together using a bonding or gel substance. Many use natural beeswax containing no petroleum, while others use loc and twist gels specifically formulated for locks. Once the hair is separated and twisted into small locks, it is important that they are left alone and allowed to bond naturally. The length of time it will take to lock will depend on the coarseness of your hair, but one can normally expect to wait several months before locks begin to form. While the hair is locking, it will need to be washed. Here is where washing should be extended for a while if possible, so that the hair can be allowed to lock for two weeks to about a month without manipulation. When you do wash your hair, use a stocking cap or "do-rag", and low-pressure water to make sure that the newly forming locks do not come loose. It will be necessary to rinse for a much longer time than you normally do, because of the lower pressure of the water and the lack of direct manipulation of your hair with your hands. The water is good for your hair and locking process, so this is not a problem. It is also imperative as indicated before that you use a shampoo that does not contain a conditioner and leaves as little residue as possible. A little research on your part will be necessary here; your health food store should contain a variety of natural shampoos. Have a skilled professional or a friend re-twist the hair gently, reapplying the twist gel or beeswax that you used previously. Repeat this process every two weeks to a month, the longer you are able to wait the better, and within a few months your hair will begin to lock.

Again, if you have a fine grade of hair rather than a kinky grade of hair, a beautician skilled at forming locks ("locktitian") or a friend who is very familiar with the hairstyle should be consulted. Even though dreadlocks are mainly a hairstyle for Blacks, there are other races that have people that enjoy the hairstyle. In general, it tends to be a style of hair that in the long run will give the hair and scalp needed rest from the rigors of chemical and heat treatments and rigorous combing and brushing, and therefore can contribute to longer life for your hair.

Article Source: is naturally organic and possesses natural beauty. Oftentimes, extensive chemical treatments like hair highlights, straightening, and too much of relaxing cause the removal of the natural vitamins and oils from the hair - leading to further hair damages. With proper hair care, the natural beauty can be retained. What better way to enhance the natural look of your hair than by wearing natural styles?

The natural hair styles which come in and out of fashion are the medium comb coils, natural hair knots, twisted braids, long curly locks, cornrow up-do, double strands, short braids, short comb coils, and long locks.

To be able to beautifully incorporate these natural hair styles, it is necessary to provide hair with a proper care. The hair may be lovely in its natural state but it won't stay that way unless it is given the right tending. Black hair, especially the curly ones, can be delicate and tricky to work with. The job of styling it becomes more complicated when the hair does not cooperate.

Make it healthier and manageable by following a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water as the hair has a life of its own. For it to grow and stay beautiful, it needs vitamins and lots of protein.

It is highly recommended to use hydrating shampoo as well as regular conditioning. These are important to keep the hair's moisture.

Avoid hair styles that give excessive tension to the hair. Applying great tension to the hair strands cause a lot of hair damages, apart from making them break easily.

Avoid too much exposure from the sun, strong wind and other dry climates. Use protective gears such as hats and scarves, as well as protective natural hair products.

Do these hair care tips to preserve the beauty of your hair. All you need to do is enhance it by incorporating the right hair style.

At the end, I'd like to share a website with more information on topics like black hair styles and black hair care Visit for more details.

Article Source: black hair styles are ideal for women who want to have an easy, manageable hair style. Going for this look lessens the necessity for harsh hair chemicals and continuous conditioning. Having short hair doesn't mean there's no fun in styling. Today, a variety of short hair styles can be selected from.

As previously stated, small hair styles require for less styling chemicals. Aside from that, other benefits can be gained from having short black hair styles. In this hair style, characteristic frizz as well as the hair kinks can be eliminated. Instead, the natural texture of the hair is given more emphasis. This provides ease in managing the hair. Keeping the hair at short length also lessens the risk of hair loss and hair damage, due to less application of hair chemicals.

If you are thinking no personalization or individuality can be done with short hair, you are absolutely wrong. It can be styled in many variations, may it be an elegant look, a sporty look, a chic and feminine appeal, or an edgy hair style.

Some of the short black hair styles you can do include short messy up-dos, graduated layers with longer hair layers on top, textured bobs with flipped out ends, mini cornrows or short micro braids, close crops with slightly longer hair at the crown to put emphasize on the hair's natural curls, shaved and sculpted styles with longer top layers, sculpted curls and elaborate ringlets framing the face, bangs flipped across the forehead or face, or elaborate braids coiled into a bun, an up-do, or simply arranged around the head.

Having short hair does not mean proper hair care is not necessary. To maintain short black hair styles, frequent trims and cuts are needed. Along with that, gel, pomade and hair waxes are essential to keep the shape of the hair. But these are to be used on lesser frequency. Make sure you wash your hair each time after using the hair products.

At the end, I'd like to share a website with more information on topics like black hair styles and black hair care. Visit for more details.

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There are many favorite black hair styles around like braided, locks, sleek and straight, curly, short and funky or twisted and intricate hair styles. Whatever hairstyle you wish to choose, it is important to pay special attention to your facial features and bone structure. This is because some of the black hair styles can take your most beautiful facial features and make them even more stunning!

One thing to remember for the perfect black hair style is to take account of your build. For example, a close cropped black hair style does not suit one with a large frame. So remember to just make sure that your style and frame balance each other! The shape of the face too has to be taken into consideration when choosing the correct black hair style. Basically, there are five face shapes; oval, round, square, heart and rectangular. 


Whatever face shape you may have, it is better to choose a hair style that makes your face appear more oval. The reason the oval face is identified as the best facial shape is because of the perfect symmetry of some of the facial features it has, like the distance from the lips to the bottom of the chin.

If you do have a heart shaped face, you can make it appear more oval by positioning the weight of the black hair style at chin level. For those with round faces, it is best to minimize the cheekbones with some height in the bang. For square faces, it is better to have a hair style with short edges and texture directed towards the face. And for those with triangular shaped faces, more height and fullness should be present at the crown. With these generalized hints on black hair styles, you should go to a beauty parlor to get your hair cut accordingly!

Article Source: matter whether or not whether your favorite black hair style is braided, curly, locks, sleek and straight, short and funky or twisted and intricate, there are a few things that you should consider before deciding on what to choose for your next do.

Due to the versatility of black hairstyles and black hair in general, ethnic hair styles include some of the most intricate and beautiful hair creations to be found among fashion-conscious people today. While many compete to make their hairstyle more elaborate and beautiful than the next, many fail to observe basic styling fundamentals, which are vital to ensure that a black hair style compliments the wearer rather than detracts from his or her personal beauty.

Black hair style fundamentals
When choosing the right black hair style for you, it is important to pay special attention to your facial features and bone structure. The correct style can take the most beautiful facial features you have and make them absolutely stunning. The wrong style, on the other hand, can completely mask those features and may even highlight features you would rather hide.

When choosing the perfect style for your unique look, stylists should take into account your build. For example, close cropped hairstyles would not suit a person with a large frame, nor would a full-bodied hairstyle compliment a person with a small frame. Making sure that your style and frame balance is the key here.

Stylists also should look at your face shape when choosing the best black hair style for you. There are five basic face shapes: oval, heart, round, square and triangular. All of these shapes can be beautiful, but one is ideal: oval. No matter what shaped face you have, achieving the perfect look involves picking the right hairstyle that will make your face appear more oval.

Oval face shapes are identified by the perfect symmetry of certain facial features, such as the distance from the hairline to the bridge of the nose (between the eyes), from the bridge of the nose to the lips, and from the lips to the bottom of the chin. If your face is oval shaped, you will have a host of options when it comes to choosing your style. This shape is the only one that is complimented by almost every black hair style imaginable. The oval shape is perfect for corn rows, braids and all other popular black hair styles.
Heart shaped faces are usually broader through the forehead and taper to a point at the chin. You can make this shaped face appear more oval by positioning the weight of the hair at chin level, or by wearing bangs in shorter black hair styles. Keep in mind that the goal is to minimize the forehead and to bring prominence to the chin.

Round faces are just that: round. They have wide cheekbones and are usually smaller through the forehead and chin. The goal here is to minimize the cheekbones. Black hair styles with height in the bang and sides cut toward the face usually work best.

Square faces have a bold forehead and an angular jaw line. Hair styles with soft edges, and a great deal of texture directed toward the face really suit this shape. The length should be kept longer than jaw length to draw attention away from the jaw, but, at the same time, that length should be layered. A straight, sleek hairstyle would only serve to accent the angular lines of the face.

Triangular shaped faces are angular at the jaw line, but narrow through the forehead. They can be treated much the same way that square faces are treated, with one exception; more height and fullness is needed throughout the crown and bang areas of the black hair style to make this section of the face appear larger.
Now that you know what types of black hair styles to choose to make you look your best, the only limits are your imagination and your stylist's creativity.

Michael Barrows' website gives great advice for good hair. Get your free ebook packed with hair style and hair care tips and advice, visit

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Every craftsman requires special tools to become a top performer in their niche. The most used tool of a hairdresser is the hair styling scissors. styling scissors come in various types and prices. In case you cut hair on an occasional basis, you might consider cheap hair styling scissors. But in case cutting hair is your profession, and you make it for a living, a quality piece or even a set of hair styling scissors or hair shears is critical. Quality hairstyling shears are manufactured out of light weight stainless steel with an addition of cobalt for better solidity. They are valued for simplicity in use and even have a finger rest for better comfort.

There are various kinds of shears for various styles and the cutting style of the hairdresser. Bent blades will make it simple to cut hair around ears and for better shaping of some styles. Longer blades are more comfortable for cutting long hair, shorter blades are more comfortable for cutting short hair, and there are also thinning hair shears that are used for tapering and thinning. Certain hair styling scissors have small slots on one side of the blade, which helps to hold the hair straight during the cut. These would do best for thick hair. There are also left handed scissors for left-handed stylists. A good hair stylist must have a set of hair styling scissors to be ready for any hair style and hair type.

To store your styling shears in the best shape, they must only be employed on clean hair. Styling tools and dirty hair will leave a thin coat on the blades that will tarnish them after multiple uses. The blades have to be thoroughly wiped after each and every hair cut, cleaned and periodically oiled. Wash your hair styling tools with warm water and soft detergent. Open the blades wide during the cleaning to get rid of any dirt and grease from the blades entire length. Wash them carefully and dry with a soft towel, or piece of cloth. After cleaning your hairstyling tools, oil the meeting point of the blades and open and close them several times to let the oil flow. After wards, wipe any excess oil off.

It's significant to treat your styling scissors as the professional styling tools as they certainly are - with respect, diligence and care. Employ them only as hair styling scissors and be careful not to drop them, since this way you will bend the blade or damage the tips of the scissors. Also, make sure to occasionally adjust the tension screw, since it will get loose with the lapse of time.

The proper pair of hair styling shears will not just make it simpler for the stylist to cut the needed style and to be comfortable enough to utilize all day long, but quality hair styling shears are made to last for long time. With the diligent care, these scissors will last for long years, so your investment will return for itself in the long run of your practice.

Which Thinning Hair Styling Scissors Do I Need?
Thinning styling shears differ from other cutting scissors with a notched blade, which looks pretty much like a comb. If you just want to thin your hair a little, get a pair of those hair-styling shears, which have two jagged blades instead of one, at a beauty store in your neighborhood.

Where Do I Get Quality Thinning Hair Styling Scissors?
If you want to get long lasting thinning styling shears, you should expect spending a pretty penny on them. It's harder to sharpen the low quality blades and it can also be kind of difficult to sharpen thinning shears at home because of the jagged blades, so you should look for stainless steel hair styling shears or titanium scissors with good sharp edges on them. One of the good ways to review the overall quality is to look at the handles. In case it seems like they are made of cheap materials, then the blades are probably also not very good.

Article Source:, you have had short hair for a while and have now settled to let it grow a little longer. Once, your hair will not be short any longer, but it would not be a real medium length yet as well. This "in-between" length will most probably drive you crazy, but with a bit of patience and some nice hair styling tools present on the market nowadays, you will see that it is virtually probable to enjoy styling your hair, while you are growing it longer. You can get some real fun with the length between short and medium, in case you check what other styles are out there. You can use hair styling shears, mousse, blow dryer, wax, gel, curling iron, hair setter, etc.

Letting anyone loose on their hair with a pair of hair cutting scissors might induce some very unpleasant results, and a lot of people have already ran across such consequences. Anyway, operating hair-clippers to cut short hair style does not require much skill. It's just an instance of adjusting to the desired length with a guard and making sure the hair-clipper runs over the area that has to be cropped. It is almost impossible to crop the wrong area with the hair-clipper. But if you really want to make yourself a good haircut, or trust someone else in this issue, why do not you invest into a set of nice and solid hair cutting scissors?

The very first step in making the turnabout is to get rid of your worries about losing the long ringlets. A lot of women want to make the change, since they know that the shorter hair will look good, but they snatch at their hair styles of their twenties. There is some fear among such women. But the thing is that at some point in their lives, a shorter style of hair can be more convenient and complimentary for mature women.

Layers have a lot of other benefits, besides their versatility. For example, adding layers can modify an old-fashioned style without too much alteration, and layers might be both elegant and flirty, which makes them adjustable to any age. Moreover, different layers could add natural hair volume without using any chemical means. Also, layers can help damaged hair with split ends, since layering demands cutting off the broken and split ends. This provides hair with a more shining look. Making layers could lighten too thick and heavy hair, letting its natural shape to show in long and medium styles. Layering can be advantageous for people, who undergo migraines, because it can grant certain relief due to the lighter style it makes.

A wavy style with the hair combed back shows absolute finesse, when the hair is short. In case your hair is curly, this is a perfect solution for you. Just comb your hair back, lay it and add the polish (e.g. wax). In case your hair is straight, you would require a curling iron and a good spray for hair setting. After you have curled your hair, you have to the same as it was already described earlier. Anyway, it is better to not comb the hair too much, since your curls are not natural.

Nowadays' popular bridal hair styles abound in short haircuts. Wedding hairstyles are critical to compliment the bride's appearance, apparel, jewelry and the wedding's mood. Choosing the appropriate hair style for the happy wedding day has to be granted with a comprehensive attention.

There are plenty of alternatives for better the square face shape. This is another great benefit to the square type of face, since not all face shapes get such amount of choices. The majority of choices will be restricted with the medium and short hairdos. Additionally, layers will improve the entire appearance. In case the face tends to look square and short, you will want to make it "longer", which can be achieved by adding height or volume to the hair's- crown.

Curling straight hair is not a brand new idea. Women of Ancient Egypt have been coating their hair setting in mud, wrapping it around wooden bars and then warming it up in the sun to make it curly. Today you can make curls that will not wash out. Today's permanent waves were first introduced by A. F. Willat, who has invented the technique of "cold permanent wave" back in 1934. Since that time, improved techniques have made permanent waves one of the most variable alternatives in hair styling tools.

Hair Styling tools

Article Source: you plan your wedding day, you will no doubt be anxiously considering which could be the best hair style for your big day. The way you style your hair can dramatically change your appearance so explore all of the options that best suit you, after all this is one of the most important days of your life. The right hair style for your wedding should make you feel confident and beautiful. With so many styles to choose from, let's review the different styles in fashion today.

Curls have dominated many types of hair styles and an experienced hairdresser can create stunning looks with these styles. Depending on the length of your hair various curly styles can be done at your local hairdressing salon. If your hair is quite long; a good number of large curls will look elegant. Hair hanging half way down the back or shorter will require smaller curls that are appropriate to the length of the hair. If your hair is naturally curly, this style will be easy to maintain but if you are getting it done on normally very straight hair then it might be difficult to maintain over the course of the day.

Bouffant style hair seems to be back in fashion and many brides prefer this look. This style will work very well if your hair is somewhat sparse and you need to create a look that is voluminous. Hair styles dressed upwards also go well with bangs. This combination will suit only people with certain types of facial features so consult with a good hairdresser who can make suggestions.

Many brides now like to have the look of partly bouffant coupled with hair which flows freely down the back of the neck. This has become quite a popular trend in many hairdressing salons with many  brides choosing it as a wedding hair style. The hair which flows down is either left totally straight or given slight curls.

You'll be surprised to find that the most common casual hair style, the ponytail, has also recently become quite a popular wedding hair style. Many hairdressers cleverly accentuate this style by decorating it with elegant clips or gorgeous flowers. Depending on the compatibility with the facial features, the hair which is loose is either curled or just left straight. Some brides also prefer to add a bouffant and bangs to give the appearance of more volume to the hair.

Many women now leave their hair short for their wedding day as hairdressers are now able to style it quite elegantly for the big day. Some hairdressers add curls while some style it straight with clips and other accessories.

Some modern wedding hair styles have also become quite daring and look uniquely different. These are totally non-traditional and hairdressers use various hair colors as well as the addition of headpieces to complete the look.

We see there are many types of wedding hair styles prevalent today from the most simple to the most daring and complex.  A professionally trained hairdresser can help you decide on the most flattering style for your wedding day.

Peter Charalambos. This article was presented by Hair Styles for a Beautiful Wedding and is just one of the Websites whose marketing and management is the responsibility of
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Amazingly, celebrity hair styles are one of the biggest influences of the way we dress. Many of the more popular hairstyles of the years have come from big time and even small time celebrities that happened to have great hair and a great stylist that made us all stand up and pay attention. Because celebrities are thought to be the most beautiful and sort of the ideal for both men and women, why wouldn't we want to copy celebrity hair styles?

One of the most well-known hair styles is that of Jennifer Aniston. Rachel on Friends had a sexy, easy, layered look that all the women wanted. Many women still wear variations of the Rachel hairstyle today, making it obvious just how powerful celebrity hair styles are. Over the past couple of years Jennifer Aniston has played with longer and shorter looks. Last year she went straight most of the time, but this year she is going for the tousled, slightly curled look. To the surprise of many fans, her hair isn't pin straight and the wavy looks that are back for 2006 are ideal for Jennifer Aniston and people like her that have slightly wavy hair. There is no doubt that Jennifer Aniston has naturally beautiful hair, but most people can recreate her looks even if their hair isn't as naturally healthy or full as Jennifer's is.

Another famous face in celebrity hair styles is Jessica Simpson. Jessica Simpson is simply the cover girl of fashion and beauty right now, and women young and old can't help but envy her beautiful body, beautiful skin, and trend setting hair styles. Jessica has played around with very long hair styles that have been pin straight and has done short bobs that are wavy. Jessica Simpson also likes to play around with ponytails, up dos and braids of various sorts. There isn't much that Jessica Simpson isn't willing to try with her hair, because she knows just about everything can be undone with a visit to her stylist. Jessica is a huge fan of extensions as she can go from ultra short to ultra long from one day to the next.

Britney Spears is another celebrity that has influenced women young and old. First, she had the blond locks, and then she went for the ultra long look, all of which suited her. Like Jessica Simpson, Britney isn't afraid to play around with different looks. She too has gone for the pin straight look as well as the wavy look. Britney has played around with extensions, but has also gone short and conservative like she did when she was pregnant. Britney currently has a natural bob that suites her and is probably quite easy for the relatively new mom that is trying to do the job that motherhood entails while recording a new record.

Jessica Alba is another celebrity that many women look to for hair styling tips. Jessica has beautiful hair and has the ability to wear it in very simple styles as well as very beautiful styles, and look great all the time. Jessica Alba typically wears a medium length hair style that is layered to frame her face, which is an ideal cut for most facial structures because it helps to bring out your best features.

Celebrity hair styles definitely give us all an idea of what we can do with our own hair, but it's just a starting place. What makes a great hair style is the person wearing it. You can have long extensions a-la-Jessica-Simpson, but if you don't have the attitude and personality to pull it off then you might want to go for the medium length hair styles that she has worn, or even the shorter shoulder length dos that we've seen on her over the last year or two. Celebrities have the knowledge and the guidance to always have great hair, as well as the resources, so it is no wonder that we all look to them for styling ideas!

If you are looking for great celebrity hair styles, pick up your favorite gossip magazine, or even look for the hair magazines that offer highlights of the most popular stars hair styles and how you can achieve the same look. Remember if you are attempting to copy such a hair style that it not only looks good on the star, but that it will look good with your facial structure as well as the thickness or texture of YOUR hair!
Clark Hunter - Chanel Earrings

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Celebrity Hair Styles
Before you seriously consider cutting your hair just like one of your favorite celebrities, you will need to start with your own face shape. Just because you find a celebrity hair style that you like does not mean that it will look good on you.

You should put your clothes selection and hair style selection into the same category. They need to be tailored to your look and your likes. Just like someone with a thick waistline should not wear the same clothes as someone with a small waistline, a hair style needs to be designed to best suit your facial features and even your body type.

Many celebrity hair styles today have certain features to them, such as long layers or bangs that can be incorporated into your hair style. So, don't throw away those celebrity hair style photos because you don't have the same face shape as the celebrity.

To determine your face shape, pull all of your hair back into a ponytail or clip. Stand in front of a mirror and trace the outline of your face onto the mirror using something removable (i.e. a bar of soap, washable marker, etc.). Next, stand back and look at the shape that you drew. Does it look more oval, round, square, heart shaped or oblong? It could be the combination of any of these shapes.

There are 5 basic face shapes that we will cover, oval, round, square, heart and oblong. Most of us have combinations of these face shapes.

Oval Face Shape: This is the 'wannabe' face shape, similar to the hourglass body shape.
Oval face shapes are highly desired and envied. All other face shapes attempt to create the illusion of having an oval face. The oval face shape suits any hair style, including long, short, medium, layered, straight or even curly. Bangs can be added to emphasize the eyes or add a little change. Celebrities with oval face shape include: Jessica Alba, Charlize Theron, and Beyonce Knowles.

Round Face Shape: A round face is as wide as it is long with rounded edges. The nose is the center guide. In trying to maintain the appearance of an oval face shape, hair for round face shapes should be kept close to the sides of the face, while the crown will need height and volume.

If you want your face to appear slimmer, make sure hair is showing below the chin. Layers from the lips down remove bulk and weight from the sides. Tapered ends will draw attention away from the roundness by allowing hair to fall close to the head. One length cuts tend to widen the face. Avoid short hair and volume at the sides.

Celebrities with round face shapes: Cameron Diaz, Kyra Sedgwick and Penelope Cruz.
Square Face Shape: The square face shape is as wide as it is long and has strong angles. This face shape needs a hair style with softness to lessen the effects of the angles.
Long hair styles should fall past the shoulders, with face-framing layers to soften the jaw line. Shorter styles should be kept round and soft with height in the crown area. Wispy bangs are great, as well as fluffy, wispy curls.

Avoid one-length hair styles; especially chin length and blunt-cut bangs. These styles will accentuate the square-ness of your face shape. Celebrities with square face shapes include: Demi Moore, Gwyneth Paltrow and Geena Davis.

Heart Face Shape: The heart-shaped face is wide in the eye and cheekbone area with a narrow or pointy chin. Many heart-shaped faces also have a high forehead.

For long hair styles, add long, wavy layers around your cheekbones that fall in the neck area. For shorter hair, add top layers that are long and soft. Side-swept bangs are a great technique to lessen the width and height of the forehead area.

Avoid blunt-cut bangs, short hair, ponytails and choppy layers. Subtle layering is much more flattering. Celebrities with Heart Shaped Face include: Brittany Murphy, Reese Witherspoon and Scarlett Johannson.
Long Face Shape: Long faces are described as oblong- long and narrow. The goal with this face shape is to create the illusion of more width by adding fullness at the sides and having a smooth top with bangs of some sort. Curls and waves can also add width to your face and make it appear more oval.

Avoid extremely long, straight styles, one-length cuts, short layers that add volume in the crown area and styles without bangs as these will make your long face much more pronounced. Celebrities with long face shapes include: Hilary Swank and Sarah Jessica Parker.

After you have determined your face shape, you will need to look for celebrity hair styles that are on celebrities with similar face shapes. Stay tuned for Part 2 of Best celebrity hair styles for your face.
Perriann Rodriguez is the founder of Celebrity Hair Styles. Top 100 celebrity hair styles are featured along with styling instructions to create any of the styles on your own. Best celebrity hair style selected every Monday.

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hair and BeautyEvery craftsman requires special tools to become a top performer in their niche. The most used tool of a hairdresser is the hairstyling scissors. styling scissors come in various types and prices. In case you cut hair on an occasional basis, you might consider cheap hair styling scissors. But in case cutting hair is your profession, and you make it for a living, a quality piece or even a set of hair styling scissors or hair shears is critical. Quality hairstyling shears are manufactured out of light weight stainless steel with an addition of cobalt for better solidity. They are valued for simplicity in use and even have a finger rest for better comfort.

There are various kinds of shears for various styles and the cutting style of the hairdresser. Bent blades will make it simple to cut hair around ears and for better shaping of some styles. Longer blades are more comfortable for cutting long hair, shorter blades are more comfortable for cutting short hair, and there are also thinning hair shears that are used for tapering and thinning. Certain hair styling scissors have small slots on one side of the blade, which helps to hold the hair straight during the cut. These would do best for thick hair. There are also left handed scissors for left-handed stylists. A good hair stylist must have a set of hair styling scissors to be ready for any hair style and hair type.

To store your styling shears in the best shape, they must only be employed on clean hair. Styling tools and dirty hair will leave a thin coat on the blades that will tarnish them after multiple uses. The blades have to be thoroughly wiped after each and every hair cut, cleaned and periodically oiled. Wash your hair styling tools with warm water and soft detergent. Open the blades wide during the cleaning to get rid of any dirt and grease from the blades entire length. Wash them carefully and dry with a soft towel, or piece of cloth. After cleaning your hairstyling tools, oil the meeting point of the blades and open and close them several times to let the oil flow. After wards, wipe any excess oil off.

It's significant to treat your styling scissors as the professional styling tools as they certainly are - with respect, diligence and care. Employ them only as hair styling scissors and be careful not to drop them, since this way you will bend the blade or damage the tips of the scissors. Also, make sure to occasionally adjust the tension screw, since it will get loose with the lapse of time.

The proper pair of hair styling shears will not just make it simpler for the stylist to cut the needed style and to be comfortable enough to utilize all day long, but quality hair styling shears are made to last for long time. With the diligent care, these scissors will last for long years, so your investment will return for itself in the long run of your practice.

Which Thinning Hair Styling Scissors Do I Need?
Thinning styling shears differ from other cutting scissors with a notched blade, which looks pretty much like a comb. If you just want to thin your hair a little, get a pair of those hair-styling shears, which have two jagged blades instead of one, at a beauty store in your neighborhood.

Where Do I Get Quality Thinning Hair Styling Scissors?
If you want to get long lasting thinning styling shears, you should expect spending a pretty penny on them. It's harder to sharpen the low quality blades and it can also be kind of difficult to sharpen thinning shears at home because of the jagged blades, so you should look for stainless steel hair styling shears or titanium scissors with good sharp edges on them. One of the good ways to review the overall quality is to look at the handles. In case it seems like they are made of cheap materials, then the blades are probably also not very good.

hair cutting scissors

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 , you have had short hair for a while and have now settled to let it grow a little longer. Once, your hair will not be short any longer, but it would not be a real medium length yet as well. This "in-between" length will most probably drive you crazy, but with a bit of patience and some nice hair styling tools present on the market nowadays, you will see that it is virtually probable to enjoy styling your hair, while you are growing it longer. You can get some real fun with the length between short and medium, in case you check what other styles are out there. You can use hair styling shears, mousse, blow dryer, wax, gel, curling iron, hair setter, etc.

Letting anyone loose on their hair with a pair of hair cutting scissors might induce some very unpleasant results, and a lot of people have already ran across such consequences. Anyway, operating hair-clippers to cut short hair style does not require much skill. It's just an instance of adjusting to the desired length with a guard and making sure the hair-clipper runs over the area that has to be cropped. It is almost impossible to crop the wrong area with the hair-clipper. But if you really want to make yourself a good haircut, or trust someone else in this issue, why do not you invest into a set of nice and solid hair cutting scissors?

The very first step in making the turnabout is to get rid of your worries about losing the long ringlets. A lot of women want to make the change, since they know that the shorter hair will look good, but they snatch at their hair styles of their twenties. There is some fear among such women. But the thing is that at some point in their lives, a shorter style of hair can be more convenient and complimentary for mature women.

Layers have a lot of other benefits, besides their versatility. For example, adding layers can modify an old-fashioned style without too much alteration, and layers might be both elegant and flirty, which makes them adjustable to any age. Moreover, different layers could add natural hair volume without using any chemical means. Also, layers can help damaged hair with split ends, since layering demands cutting off the broken and split ends. This provides hair with a more shining look. Making layers could lighten too thick and heavy hair, letting its natural shape to show in long and medium styles. Layering can be advantageous for people, who undergo migraines, because it can grant certain relief due to the lighter style it makes.

A wavy style with the hair combed back shows absolute finesse, when the hair is short. In case your hair is curly, this is a perfect solution for you. Just comb your hair back, lay it and add the polish (e.g. wax). In case your hair is straight, you would require a curling iron and a good spray for hair setting. After you have curled your hair, you have to the same as it was already described earlier. Anyway, it is better to not comb the hair too much, since your curls are not natural.

Nowadays' popular bridal hairstyles abound in short haircuts. Wedding hairstyles are critical to compliment the bride's appearance, apparel, jewelry and the wedding's mood. Choosing the appropriate hair style for the happy wedding day has to be granted with a comprehensive attention.

There are plenty of alternatives for better the square face shape. This is another great benefit to the square type of face, since not all face shapes get such amount of choices. The majority of choices will be restricted with the medium and short hairdos. Additionally, layers will improve the entire appearance. In case the face tends to look square and short, you will want to make it "longer", which can be achieved by adding height or volume to the hair's- crown.

Curling straight hair is not a brand new idea. Women of Ancient Egypt have been coating their hair setting in mud, wrapping it around wooden bars and then warming it up in the sun to make it curly. Today you can make curls that will not wash out. Today's permanent waves were first introduced by A. F. Willat, who has invented the technique of "cold permanent wave" back in 1934. Since that time, improved techniques have made permanent waves one of the most variable alternatives in hair styling tools.

Hair Styling tools

Article Source: you plan your wedding day, you will no doubt be anxiously considering which could be the best hair style for your big day. The way you style your hair can dramatically change your appearance so explore all of the options that best suit you, after all this is one of the most important days of your life. The right hair style for your wedding should make you feel confident and beautiful. With so many styles to choose from, let's review the different styles in fashion today.

Curls have dominated many types of hair styles and an experienced hairdresser can create stunning looks with these styles. Depending on the length of your hair various curly styles can be done at your local hairdressing salon. If your hair is quite long; a good number of large curls will look elegant. Hair hanging half way down the back or shorter will require smaller curls that are appropriate to the length of the hair. If your hair is naturally curly, this style will be easy to maintain but if you are getting it done on normally very straight hair then it might be difficult to maintain over the course of the day.

Bouffant style hair seems to be back in fashion and many brides prefer this look. This style will work very well if your hair is somewhat sparse and you need to create a look that is voluminous. Hair styles dressed upwards also go well with bangs. This combination will suit only people with certain types of facial features so consult with a good hairdresser who can make suggestions.

Many brides now like to have the look of partly bouffant coupled with hair which flows freely down the back of the neck. This has become quite a popular trend in many hairdressing salons with many  brides choosing it as a wedding hair style. The hair which flows down
is either left totally straight or given slight curls.

You'll be surprised to find that the most common casual hair style, the ponytail, has also recently become quite a popular wedding hair style. Many hairdressers cleverly accentuate this style by decorating it with elegant clips or gorgeous flowers. Depending on the compatibility with the facial features, the hair which is loose is either curled or just left straight. Some brides also prefer to add a bouffant and bangs to give the appearance of more volume to the hair.

Many women now leave their hair short for their wedding day as hairdressers are now able to style it quite elegantly for the big day. Some hairdressers add curls while some style it straight with clips and other accessories.

Some modern wedding hair styles have also become quite daring and look uniquely different. These are totally non-traditional and hairdressers use various hair colors as well as the addition of headpieces to complete the look.

We see there are many types of wedding hair styles prevalent today from the most simple to the most daring and complex.  A professionally trained hairdresser can help you decide on the most flattering style for your wedding day.

Peter Charalambos. This article was presented by Hair Styles for a Beautiful Wedding and is just one of the Websites whose marketing and management is the responsibility of

Article Source:, celebrity hair styles are one of the biggest influences of the way we dress. Many of the more popular hairstyles of the years have come from big time and even small time celebrities that happened to have great hair and a great stylist that made us all stand up and pay attention. Because celebrities are thought to be the most beautiful and sort of the ideal for both men and women, why wouldn't we want to copy celebrity hair styles?

One of the most well-known hair styles is that of Jennifer Aniston. Rachel on Friends had a sexy, easy, layered look that all the women wanted. Many women still wear variations of the Rachel hairstyle today, making it obvious just how powerful celebrity hair styles are. Over the past couple of years Jennifer Aniston has played with longer and shorter looks. Last year she went straight most of the time, but this year she is going for the tousled, slightly curled look. To the surprise of many fans, her hair isn't pin straight and the wavy looks that are back for 2006 are ideal for Jennifer Aniston and people like her that have slightly wavy hair. There is no doubt that Jennifer Aniston has naturally beautiful hair, but most people can recreate her looks even if their hair isn't as naturally healthy or full as Jennifer's is.

Another famous face in celebrity hair styles is Jessica Simpson. Jessica Simpson is simply the cover girl of fashion and beauty right now, and women young and old can't help but envy her beautiful body, beautiful skin, and trend setting hair styles. Jessica has played around with very long hair styles that have been pin straight and has done short bobs that are wavy. Jessica Simpson also likes to play around with ponytails, up dos and braids of various sorts. There isn't much that Jessica Simpson isn't willing to try with her hair, because she knows just about everything can be undone with a visit to her stylist. Jessica is a huge fan of extensions as she can go from ultra short to ultra long from one day to the next.

Britney Spears is another celebrity that has influenced women young and old. First, she had the blond locks, and then she went for the ultra long look, all of which suited her. Like Jessica Simpson, Britney isn't afraid to play around with different looks. She too has gone for the pin straight look as well as the wavy look. Britney has played around with extensions, but has also gone short and conservative like she did when she was pregnant. Britney currently has a natural bob that suites her and is probably quite easy for the relatively new mom that is trying to do the job that motherhood entails while recording a new record.

Jessica Alba is another celebrity that many women look to for hair styling tips. Jessica has beautiful hair and has the ability to wear it in very simple styles as well as very beautiful styles, and look great all the time. Jessica Alba typically wears a medium length hair style that is layered to frame her face, which is an ideal cut for most facial structures because it helps to bring out your best features.

Celebrity hair styles definitely give us all an idea of what we can do with our own hair, but it's just a starting place. What makes a great hair style is the person wearing it. You can have long extensions a-la-Jessica-Simpson, but if you don't have the attitude and personality to pull it off then you might want to go for the medium length hair styles that she has worn, or even the shorter shoulder length dos that we've seen on her over the last year or two. Celebrities have the knowledge and the guidance to always have great hair, as well as the resources, so it is no wonder that we all look to them for styling ideas!

If you are looking for great celebrity hair styles, pick up your favorite gossip magazine, or even look for the hair magazines that offer highlights of the most popular stars hair styles and how you can achieve the same look. Remember if you are attempting to copy such a hair style that it not only looks good on the star, but that it will look good with your facial structure as well as the thickness or texture of YOUR hair!
Clark Hunter - Chanel Earrings

Article Source: Hair Styles
Before you seriously consider cutting your hair just like one of your favorite celebrities, you will need to start with your own face shape. Just because you find a celebrity hair style that you like does not mean that it will look good on you.

You should put your clothes selection and hair style selection into the same category. They need to be tailored to your look and your likes. Just like someone with a thick waistline should not wear the same clothes as someone with a small waistline, a hair style needs to be designed to best suit your facial features and even your body type.

Many celebrity hair styles today have certain features to them, such as long layers or bangs that can be incorporated into your hair style. So, don't throw away those celebrity hair style photos because you don't have the same face shape as the celebrity.

To determine your face shape, pull all of your hair back into a ponytail or clip. Stand in front of a mirror and trace the outline of your face onto the mirror using something removable (i.e. a bar of soap, washable marker, etc.). Next, stand back and look at the shape that you drew. Does it look more oval, round, square, heart shaped or oblong? It could be the combination of any of these shapes.

There are 5 basic face shapes that we will cover, oval, round, square, heart and oblong. Most of us have combinations of these face shapes.

Oval Face Shape: This is the 'wannabe' face shape, similar to the hourglass body shape.
Oval face shapes are highly desired and envied. All other face shapes attempt to create the illusion of having an oval face. The oval face shape suits any hair style, including long, short, medium, layered, straight or even curly. Bangs can be added to emphasize the eyes or add a little change. Celebrities with oval face shape include: Jessica Alba, Charlize Theron, and Beyonce Knowles.

Round Face Shape: A round face is as wide as it is long with rounded edges. The nose is the center guide. In trying to maintain the appearance of an oval face shape, hair for round face shapes should be kept close to the sides of the face, while the crown will need height and volume.
If you want your face to appear slimmer, make sure hair is showing below the chin. Layers from the lips down remove bulk and weight from the sides. Tapered ends will draw attention away from the roundness by allowing hair to fall close to the head. One length cuts tend to widen the face. Avoid short hair and volume at the sides.

Celebrities with round face shapes: Cameron Diaz, Kyra Sedgwick and Penelope Cruz.
Square Face Shape: The square face shape is as wide as it is long and has strong angles. This face shape needs a hair style with softness to lessen the effects of the angles.

Long hair styles should fall past the shoulders, with face-framing layers to soften the jaw line. Shorter styles should be kept round and soft with height in the crown area. Wispy bangs are great, as well as fluffy, wispy curls.

Avoid one-length hair styles; especially chin length and blunt-cut bangs. These styles will accentuate the square-ness of your face shape. Celebrities with square face shapes include: Demi Moore, Gwyneth Paltrow and Geena Davis.

Heart Face Shape: The heart-shaped face is wide in the eye and cheekbone area with a narrow or pointy chin. Many heart-shaped faces also have a high forehead.
For long hair styles, add long, wavy layers around your cheekbones that fall in the neck area. For shorter hair, add top layers that are long and soft. Side-swept bangs are a great technique to lessen the width and height of the forehead area.

Avoid blunt-cut bangs, short hair, ponytails and choppy layers. Subtle layering is much more flattering. Celebrities with Heart Shaped Face include: Brittany Murphy, Reese Witherspoon and Scarlett Johannson.
Long Face Shape: Long faces are described as oblong- long and narrow. The goal with this face shape is to create the illusion of more width by adding fullness at the sides and having a smooth top with bangs of some sort. Curls and waves can also add width to your face and make it appear more oval.

Avoid extremely long, straight styles, one-length cuts, short layers that add volume in the crown area and styles without bangs as these will make your long face much more pronounced. Celebrities with long face shapes include: Hilary Swank and Sarah Jessica Parker.

After you have determined your face shape, you will need to look for celebrity hair styles that are on celebrities with similar face shapes. Stay tuned for Part 2 of Best celebrity hair styles for your face.

Perriann Rodriguez is the founder of Celebrity Hair Styles. Top 100 celebrity hair styles are featured along with styling instructions to create any of the styles on your own. Best celebrity hair style selected every Monday.

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Friday, April 17, 2015 hair styles are elegant and can work well in giving a youthful and chique look. To maintain such effects, there are quality tools and tips you can use on a daily basis. They can help you avoid bad hair days as you go about your business.

To get it right, start by visiting a professional hair stylist so as to get your hair cut. Avoid doing it yourself as it is very easy for you to get it right. A professional hair cut allows you to enjoy good length. It can also be layered to suit some of some of your facial features and adding color might also enhance the look.

Once it is styled and cut to a good length, consider investing in quality sets of combs and brushes. Good ones can easily maintain the look for a long time, using the wrong tools can ruin the shape and how the style falls on your head. A good tip to use is to avoid synthetic combs or brushes.

These might not be effective in styling your short hair as they create electric charges which make your hair fly away. With such tools, you might not be able to position your hair the way you want it. Therefore select good combs that are sure not to give you such effects.

It is good to note that a parting your hair in different ways can help you achieve different looks. Take some time off when you are not busy and experiment. You can recreate the look on different days of the week.
Invest in quality hair dryers so as to help you manage short hair styles properly. They come in handy in drying your hair. Get large brushes and a blow dryer to help add volume and lift when you need to. A volumizer, mouse and gel can be used accordingly so as to get a certain look.

John Loch provides content for a variety of niche and specialty internet properties.
To learn more about Hairstyles

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The time span between twelve to fourteen years is considered as the most suitable for the overall growth of our bodies. The growth of our hairs is also at its peak during these years, it is because of the proper releasing of effective hormones, regeneration of cells and our bodies getting used to the patterns of an adult. But as soon as we cross this time all the active functioning starts to slow down.

When we reach the age of forty, regeneration of pigments decreases to such a level that it paves way for whitening of the hair strands. Due to these reasons, the choice of short hair style for women over 40 is based more on necessity than on personal preference. But that does not mean that you cannot afford to select one and will always have to go by the judgment of your hairstylist. Most of the women over the age of forty prefer to have short hair styles because of various reasons. Some of the important factors that influence the choices are maintenance, time, cost effectiveness and personal preferences.

Most of us loved to sport long hairs when we were young but with the increases in our age various problems come to the forefront. The short hair styles for women over 40 have various advantages that make them more suitable choices to longer styles. One of them is easy maintenance. You will not have to spend hours pampering them leaving behind all your necessary works. It is rather easier to maintain the natural health and shine of shorter hair stands compared to longer ones.

Coloring is one of the most necessary things that we have to apply on our gray strands. Applying color to short hair styles for women over 40 is definitely cheaper and more affective. So, all these reasons combine to influence our choices of selecting short hair styles for women over 40.

Teri Corbin is a salon professional and in addition to a reputed hair educated in India with 15 years of experience. Her experience are adopted by many nicely-recognized celebrities. Go to his website to know additional about totally completely different bridal hairstyles.

Article Source: because you are in your 40s doesn't mean you shouldn't care what your hair looks like. No matter what age you are in, you have to constantly make sure that your locks are health and they are styled really well. There are many short hair styles for women over 40 and you can easily choose a look that can make you 10 years younger. With the right hair, you don't have to over accessorize because you can be able to pull off different looks that are appropriate for different occasions.

So, what are the secrets to choosing the right short hair styles for women over 40? Here are some guidelines you must keep in mind in order to find a haircut that you can rock anytime of the day:

• Though you don't have to settle for short hair at this age, they are appropriate because they would open your face. As a result, you would look younger and it would also highlight the best features in your face. Open your mind to the possibility of having shorter hair, but if you are still afraid to take this step, you can gradually shorten it from time to time.

• Take your time in making a decision. Do your homework beforehand by looking at different pictures online or in magazines. Don't go for current trends if they would look awful on you. As you are browsing through the different resource materials you have, make sure to imagine how it would look on your face. You don't have to settle for one choice either. Bring a couple of pictures the next time you go to your favorite salon and ask for an expert's opinion.

• In some beauty salons, the person who would shampoo your hair may be different to the one who will style it. If this is so, make sure to discuss your cut first before getting your hair wet. Doing so means you would have more chances of getting a cut that looks good whenever it is styled or not
• As much as possible, you have to think of your schedule when choosing an appropriate cut as well. Some shorter cuts are also time-consuming to style and this is not a good cut to have when you tend to rush in the morning.

Everyone can have beautiful hair. All you need are proven and effective hair tips to follow. If you want instant results, you can buy wigs online and have amazing hairstyle in one minute.

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Short hair is a great idea for almost anyone. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people out there who are afraid to chop off their long hair because they aren't sure what they would do with short hair if they had it (or they are afraid they'd look ugly, which is valid, I suppose). That's where these tips come in.

Short hair isn't just the hair style for the few, the funky (although it can be funky if you want it to be). In fact, for most people it's actually a better look than long hair- not because they don't have beautiful long hair, but because a) short hair is quicker and easier to do, so they style it more often, and b) the natural oils in your hair make it all the way to the ends with short hair, so it stays healthier without a lot of time and effort for various treatments.

First, you should consider your face shape when you get your hair cut. If your face is round, you probably don't want to go with a pixie cut or something super-sleek. Instead, try something with choppy layers around your cheekbones and length that falls a little below your chin. Add a little volume at the top and some side-swept bangs and you instantly elongate the appearance your face. On the other hand, if your face is long, you may want to add lots of long bangs and cut your hair chin-length to shorten the appearance of your face. Square faces will want to go with softer layers instead of blunt cuts, while heart-shaped faces look great with styles that flip out and balance the thinness of their face at the jaw.

Once you've determined what hair styles will best compliment your face, talk to a good hairstylist about your lifestyle and what you want out of your hair. If you don't spend much time on your hair, go for something lower maintenance. If you're willing to spend a little more time, you might go with something that will take a little more time. Realize that any short hair style will take less time to style, but may need to BE styled every day, especially if you cut it too short to put in a ponytail. (That's why they invented hats, though, so don't despair.)

For pixie cuts, the easiest way to do them is to dry them most of the way and then add a little gel. Use the gel to pull the hair in any direction you want, and don't worry about getting it smooth or perfect. Go for fun and a little messy.

For straight, short hair, make sure you're using products that will keep your hair smooth and sleek, then dry it straight and finishing the straightening with smoothing products if you need them. You can also add a little pomade and pull your layers out a little to make a messy, choppy look.

If your hair is curly, use a diffuser to create controlled curls, and use products that dry soft and bouncy. No one wants their hair to be crunchy, especially when it's all up around your face and needs to be swinging and fun.

Don't be afraid of short hair. It's stylish, easy to do and healthy for your hair. Better a bob that looks good every day than long, flowing hair that you only let out of its ponytail for special occasions.
Megan is the Web editor for Overstock Drugstore, an online pharmacy that offers great deals and great service on health and beauty products you use every day, including tigi superstar blow dry lotion. Overstock Drugstore believes in offering the best products and the best service, including a help line that goes to a person every time. To learn more, visit

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Many people with short hair have been wondering if they too can use sedu hair irons to create amazing sedu hairstyles and the answer of course is yes. By following the tips and instructions listed in our sedu short hair style guide you can create sedu short hairstyles even the celebrities would be proud to be seen wearing.

Creating Your Sedu Short Hair Style-Step By Step

When it comes to creating your sedu short hairstyles the same step by step rules apply as those with all sedu hairstyles.

Step 1: Wash and condition your hair before beginning any styling procedures. This will ensure that there is no excess oil or grease in your hair as this can affect your styling results.

Step 2: Your hair will then need to be towel dried and some styling tonic should be applied and combed through. This will ensure that your sedu short hair style will be achieved with maximum results.

Step 3: Blow dry your hair and allow it to cool before you begin creating your sedu short hairstyles.

Step 4: Take your sedu hair straightener and pass it through your hair. You should take small sections of hair each time beginning with the bottom layer of hair and working your way to the front.

Step 5: If you are looking to achieve great sedu hairstyles you can use your hair iron to flick out the ends and sides of your hair to give your hair more volume.

Step 6: To finish your sedu short hair style you will need to add a small amount of finishing wax. This will help to hold your new sedu short hair style in place for longer.

So there you have it, your sedu short hair style step by step guide. Enjoy and good luck creating your sedu hairstyles.

More useful content on LeanderNet -

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Thursday, April 16, 2015

  your holiday hair style under control

isn't just about keeping your expensive up-do

from falling down while you're dancing. It's

about healthy-looking hair during those wet,

hot, and sticky months of summer, whether at

home or on vacation.

Those who live in areas where the sun and humidity

get downright unbearable during the summer know

how difficult it is to keep their hair looking

good. But if you aren't familiar with the

potentially damaging effects of humidity, salt

water, sand, chlorine, wind and dry air, you

might not know how to properly care for your

holiday hair.

It's easy to breathe new life into it by following
a few simple summertime tips.
Hair that's full of split ends looks bad so the first
thing you should do even before the summer months set
in is give your hair a good trim to remove those
damaged ends or try a new hair style.
Hair looks instantly better after it's been cut.
If you plan to color your hair, remember that
chemically treated hair is more vulnerable to environmental
conditions such as sun, water and humidity. Plan your
hair coloring three weeks before your trip so your hair
has time to regain its natural balance and is more
resistance to damage.

Another thing you can do is ask your stylist for a deep
conditioning treatment prior to your vacation. This will
help to smooth the hair, repair damage and make the whole
hair structure stronger.

Depending on your destination climate, you might also need
to bring a surface conditioner with moisturizing qualities
for hot, dry weather or frizz control cream for a humid climate.
Unlike deep conditioners, these products coat your hair with a
protective layer while adding gloss and making your style
more manageable.

It just wouldn't be a summer vacation without time in the water.
Although swimming and other water activities are a lot of fun,
they can wreak havoc on your holiday hair. Whether you're swimming
in the sea or at the hotel pool, always rinse the sea salt and
chlorine out of your hair with plenty of fresh water.

Chlorine dries out the hair, making it brittle. It also fades the
color and with some hair colors, can turn hair an unsightly shade
of green. It's not the chlorine that turns your hair green but the
presence of heavy metals like copper. The chlorine initiates the
process by damaging the hair cuticle, which allows these metals to
enter the inner structure of hair.

It also wouldn't be a summer vacation without spending as much time
as possible in the sun. We know how damaging the sun's UV rays are
to our skin, but these rays also damage the hair's structure. They
break down the keratin which results in dry hair that breaks easily.
So look for hair care products that contain UV protection and use
them as directed to help your holiday hair style look as healthy as
your holiday tan.

Lots of people with fine hair apply too much anti-frizz serum to
their scalp and hair, which makes it look greasy and weighed down.
Instead, apply a light conditioner beginning at the middle of the
hair strand and continuing down to the ends. Then finish your hair
style with anti-frizz serum applied only to the ends to seal off
the tips so water can't enter the hair shaft.

When you're packing your suitcase, be sure you include a mild shampoo,
a mild conditioner, an anti-frizz serum (especially if you have
naturally curly hair), and hair spray for those times when your
holiday hair needs extra hold. And check to make sure all these
products contain UV protection. Just remember: using UV products
doesn't mean you can stay out in the sun indefinitely. Your hair and
scalp can be damaged if exposed to too much sun so don't forget to
bring a sun hat.

Nancy Faizabadi is a professional hair stylist and the founder of where you can find free tips on short hair style and color ideas, hair color trends, hair products and much more. Whether your hair is fine, thick, curly, straight, processed, colored or in need of a new style, has a section for you.

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